Dr. Conor O'Brien

Blackrock Clinic, Suite 23 |
Monday PM
Dr. Conor O' Brien graduated from UCD in 1995 and obtained his MRCPI in 1999 and completed his MD thesis in 2006. He completed his GI/Liver fellowship in Toronto, Canada and returned to Dublin as a consultant in 2007. His areas of interest are endoscopy, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, functional bowel disorders and all aspects of hepatology
Dr O'Brien qualified from UCD in 1995 and completed his internship and SHO rotations at St Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin. He obtained his MRCPI in 1999. He completed his gastroenterology specialist registrar rotation at St. Vincent's and Beaumont Hospitals. He was awarded his MD Thesis from UCD in 2006 and became a fellow in RCPI in 2007.
Dr. O'Brien completed his MD Thesis in St. Vincent's University Hospital and the University of Newcastle, UK. He examined the influence of host genetic factors on hepatitis C virus infection and response to treatment. He was awarded a HRB research grant to complete this. He has also published papers on autoimmune liver disease.
Dr O Brien completed his hepatology and endoscopy fellowship in Toronto Western and Toronto General Hospitals, Canada. These hospitals are large tertiary referral centres for complex liver disease throughout Canada, with a liver transplant programme at Toronto General Hospital.