Dr. David Mulcahy

Hermitage Clinic, Suite 33 |
Tuesday & Thursday AM & PM
Dr. Mulcahy qualified from the Royal Collge of Surgeons with an Honour's Degree from the NUI in 1981. Commenced career in Cardiology at the Richmond Hospital, followed by the National Heart Hospital, the Westminster and the Royal Brompton National Heart Hospitals in London. Spent a year as visiting scientist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Mayland USA before returning to Ireland as Consultant Cardiologist in the Adelaide & Meath Hospital. Set up the new service at the new Tallaght Hospital in 2000, and founded the clinical CRY Unit in conjuction with CRY, the charity in 2007
David's research focused predominantly on the investigation of Silent Ischaemia - Winner of Young Investigator Award - Irish Cardiac Society 1988, Medical Doctorate NUI 1992 and International Del Mar Investigator of the Year 1994. Research also carried out on Heart Transplantation with Professor Magdi Yacoub, National Heart Hospital London, Over 70 peer reviewed articles and book chapters in the Lancet, British Medical Journal, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), American Heart Journal and European Heart Journal.