Dr. Kathleen Cronin
Palliative Medicine

Galway Clinic, Suite 33 |
Monday AM
Dr. Cronin is an experienced Consultant in Palliative Medicine who has expertise in the management of physical symptoms and psycho-social issues in the context of life-limiting illness. She graduated from NUI, Galway, in 2000 and completed her specialist training in Palliative Medicine in 2012. Dr Kathleen Cronin advocates the early integration of palliative care in the care of patients with life-limiting illness, helping them live the best lives they can despite having a serious illness. She collaborates closely with the multi-disciplinary team to achieve the best quality of life for her patients.
Dr. Cronin has an interest in teaching future and current physicians about the art and science of palliative medicine and has completed a diploma in Clinical Education with the University of Galway. Likewise, she also has recently completed a Masters in Healthcare Ethics and Law with the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, to help enhance this teaching and offer support to her fellow colleagues. Dr Kathleen Cronin continues to participate in palliative medicine research networks, working on areas such as innovative service models for acute palliative medicine, supportive oncology, and rehabilitative palliative care.
1995 Bachelors of Science, Magnum cum Laude, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-1881, USA, 2000 MB, BAO, BCh, National University of Ireland, Galway, 2012 Specialist Training in Palliative Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, Ireland, 2013 Diploma of Clinical Education, National University of Ireland, Galway, 2022 Masters of Healthcare Ethics and Law, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland