Mr. Fuan Chan
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery

Blackrock Clinic, Suite 14 |
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday PM, Wednesday AM, Friday AM & PM
Mr. Fuan Chan MD FRCSI(Plast) is the first consultant plastic surgeon in Ireland of Chinese decent. He is a fully accredited Consultant Plastic Surgeon and an IAPS (Irish Association of Plastic Surgeons) full member. He is also an international full member of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), International Society of Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) which are the two most prestigious and recognised memberships for any fully-accredited and qualified Consultant Plastic Surgeon in the world. Additionally, in Ireland, he is the first International Members of The Aesthetic Society (TAS) which consists of a group of the most advanced board certified aesthetic plastic surgeons in the world. He started private practice in Blackrock Clinic in February 2015.
Mr. Chan is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin. Upon completion of his internship and Basic Surgical Training Scheme, he spent subsequent 2 years in scientific research which awarded him a post-graduate MD degree. This was followed by one year of clinical training at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, UK. Mr Chan subsequently successfully completed the structured higher surgical training in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in Ireland. He was awarded FRCSI(Plast) and CCST at Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
Mr. Chan has earned numerous awards and gold medals in plastic surgery at national and international scientific meetings with more than 25 peer-reviewed publications and delivered more than 30 presentations at plastic surgery scientific meetings in Ireland, Europe, USA and Asia.
Mr. Chan was appointed as a Fellow at the world-renowned Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan, specialising in reconstructive microsurgery, craniofacial surgery and Asian Cosmetic Surgery. His outstanding achievements led to the offer of a one-year fellowship in plastic surgery (craniofacial surgery) at the prestigious Ronald Reagan Medical Center, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He have also worked with many leading Plastic Surgeons who are affiliated to UCLA.