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Mr. Garrett Durkan


Urological Oncology Prostate cancer Bladder Cancer Kidney cancer Robotic Prostatectomy Laparoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery
Garrett Durkan

Galway Clinic

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Mr. Durkan moved to the UK and was appointed Clinical Research Associate at the Cancer Research Unit/Department of Surgery, University of Newcastle upon Tyne from 1997-1999. He secured grants from the Urological Foundation and an RCSI Travelling Fellowship and undertook research into the role of matrix metalloproteinases in bladder cancer metastasis. He was awarded his MD for this work in 2001.

He was appointed as Specialist Registrar in Urology in 1999 based at the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne. He was awarded his FRCS(Urol) in May 2003 and obtained his CCST (Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training) in Urology in February 2004. He was appointed Consultant Urological Surgeon at the Freeman Hospital Newcastle upon Tyne in September 2004 with a special interest in urological oncology and bladder reconstruction. Collaborating closely with his Consultant colleagues, he helped introduce laparoscopic radical prostatectomy and laparoscopic radical cystectomy. He was Chairman of the Uro-Oncology MDT and Lead Clinician for Clinical Trials in Urological Oncology.

Returning to Ireland in 2010, he was appointed Consultant Urological Surgeon at University Hospital Galway by the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP). His special interests include prostate, bladder and renal cancer, minimally invasive surgery and robotic prostatectomy.

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Medical School 1855-1991. Dublin Region pre-Fellowship Surgical Training Scheme 1993-1995. Higher Specialist Training in Urology, Northern Deanery, Newcastle upon Tyne 1999-2004. 

Mr. Durkan graduated from RCSI in 1991 and completed his internship at Beaumont Hospital. He was awarded his FRCSI in July 1995 and completed Basic Surgical Training on the Dublin Region Pre-Fellowship Surgical Training scheme in 1996.

MD Thesis awarded by University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2002 for investigating the role of matrix metalloproteinases in mestastatic spread of bladder cancer.

Travelling fellowship to Department of Urology, University of Berne, Switzerland under Professor Urs Studer to learn orthotopic neo-bladder reconstruction.

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