Mr. Patrick Joseph Groarke
Orthopaedic surgery

Hermitage Clinic, Suite 16 |
Wednesday PM
After graduating from UCD in 2005 and completing my internship in 2006, I travelled to Australia to work for a year as a Senior House Officer in Orthopaedics at the busy Gold Coast Hospital in Queensland. This helped me silence any doubts that I wanted to pursue a career in Orthopaedics. I came home and started the Dublin rotation of the RCSI's Basic Surgical Training. After completing a one year full time MCh under Prof O'Byrne at the RCSI, I started on the Higher Surgical Training scheme with multiple supervised training rotations throughout Ireland. In the latter years of this training, and with excellent guidance from Mr Darragh Hynes among others, I selected Shoulder, Hand, Wrist and Elbow as my chosen subspecialty. I sought further international training on fellowship. I like to keep active and fit mainly by playing tennis so I am very interested in how the Upper Limb can affect our ability to pursue our hobbies or impact us with pain.
Graduated from UCD with MB BCH BAO (Honours in Surgery) and B Med Sci (Hons). MRCS in 2008 with RCSI. Masters in Surgery (MCh) with RCSI awarded in 2009. FRCS (Tr & Orth) awarded 2015. Fellow of the Faculty of Sports and Emergency Medicine (FFSEM)
Correlation of magnetic resonance and arthroscopy in the diagnosis of shoulder injury. Groarke P, Jagernauth S, Peters SE, Manzanero S, O'Connell P, Cowderoy G, Gilpin D, Hope B, Marchant D, Cutbush K, Andrews S, Duke PF, Ross M. ANZ J Surg. 2021 Oct;91(10):2145-2152. doi: 10.1111/ans.17164. Epub 2021 Aug 25. A physiotherapy triage service for orthopaedic upper limb service: an effective way to reduce clinic visits and identify patients for operative intervention. Lyons RF, Cassells M, Hynes D, Mullett H, Groarke PJ. Ir J Med Sci. 2022 Apr;191(2):771-775. doi: 10.1007/s11845-021-02606-2. Epub 2021 May 27. The Effect of Hand Dominance on Functional Outcome Following Single Row Rotator Cuff Repair. Kelly MA, Mc Donald CK, Boland A, Groarke PJ, Kaar K. Open Orthop J. 2017 Jul 25;11:562-566. doi: 10.2174/1874325001611010562. eCollection 2017. Full list available on
I was very fortunate to have trained with Prof Mark Ross, Greg Couzens and Philip Duke at the Brisbane Hand and Upper Limb Research Institute in Queensland. I worked at Brisbane Private and the Princess Alexandra Hospital. The latter is a large tertiary referral centre that dealt with all complex elective and trauma cases from the finger tip up to and including the shoulder. There were multiple teaching sessions and conferences incorporated into this fellowship. I followed my experience there with a fellowship in Liverpool under the guidance of Prof Peter Brownson (then President of the British Elbow and Shoulder Society - BESS). Other supervisors included Matthew Smith, Inago Guisarola, Rish Parmar and Matt Kent. Together, they covered a range of conditions of the shoulder and elbow.