Mr. Princeton Wen-Yuan Lee

Hermitage Clinic, Suite 1 |
Tuesday AM & PM
Optilux Eye Clinic in the Hermitage Clinic provides a comprehensive care to a range of eye conditions including cataract, eyelid, lacrimal, glaucoma and medical retinal diseases. This modern eye clinic is equipped with the state of art Zeiss ophthalmic machines including OCT with Angiography, Widefield Fundus Camera with FFA, Biometry, Pentacam and Visual Field Machines. We combine the newest technology and the art of surgery to deliver the best ophthalmic practice to our patients. Our mission to the patients is "See Better & Look Better."
Graduated from RCSI in 2003. Completed ophthalmic surgery specialist training (CCST) in 2014. Awarded Master of Surgery (MCh) degree from RCSI in 2010. Successfully obtained ophthalmic specialist qualifying examinations FRCOphth (London), FRCSI (Ophthalmology) & FEBO.
Area of interest: Cataract surgical training methodology & Oculoplastic surgeries
Oculoplastic, Lacrimal & Orbital fellowship in Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, UK (2014) and Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital in Brisbane, Australia (2015).