Prof. Arnold D.K. Hill
General surgery

Hermitage Clinic, Suite 25 |
Monday PM
Professor Hill is the Dean of Medical Programmes and Professor and Chair of Surgery following an eight year term as the Head of School of Medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. His clinical interests are in the area of breast cancer and melanoma. His laboratory research interests are in the transcriptional control of breast cancer, in particular, the role of the coregulatory proteins Professor Hill is the national advisor for surgical oncology for the National Cancer Control Programme. His clinical practice is in Breast, General and Endocrine Surgery. Professor Hill was a Council member and is the Past President of the Surgical Research Society.
1988 MB, BCh, BAO, University College Dublin 1990 MMedSc (Hons), Master degree in Anatomy 1992 Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 1996 MCh (Masters in Surgery) - University College Dublin 1998 Intercollegiate Fellowship in General Surgery 1998 Fellowship in Breast Surgery Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, New York, USA 2010 Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow) (Honorary)
Prof. Hill has an extensive research and publication record with over 328 research articles, 6 books, 14 book chapters and a H-Index of 53 (Scopus). Below are some details of recent research grants awarded. Project Title: S100beta, a serum marker of poor outcome in breast cancer patients and a companion diagnostic for dasatinib in the treatment of metastatic disease Awarding Body: Health Research Board; Role: Co-Applicant Project Title: SRC-1 mediation of cancer cell reprogramming in endocrine resistant breast cancer. Awarding Body: Science Foundation Ireland Role: Co-Applicant Project Title: ADAM22 as a therapeutic target for ER-positive primary and metastatic breast cancer. Awarding Body: Science Foundation Ireland Role: Co-Applicant Project Title: Therapeutic rationale to target CDKs in endocrine resistant breast cancer. Awarding Body: Enterprise Ireland Role: Co-Applicant Project Title: Epi-Genomic and Epi-Transcriptomic Aberrations in Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis. Awarding Body: Science Foundation Ireland Role: Co-Applicant Project Title: Leveraging DNA damage repair pathways as therapeutic targets in breast cancer brain metastasis. Awarding Body: Breast Cancer Now Role: Co-Applicant
Professor Hill graduated from UCD and did his surgical training in Dublin and London. He followed this with a two year fellowship at The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and the New York Hospital/Cornell Medical Center in the United States. He returned to Ireland to do his Senior Registrar training on the National Training Programme. Before taking up his position as Consultant he returned to the Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre to complete a Clinical Fellowship in Surgical Oncology.