Prof. Eoin Tiernan
Supportive Medicine & Palliative Care

Contact details
Blackrock Clinic, Suite 16 |
Monday , PM
Hermitage Clinic, Suite 12 |
Based on 30 years of experience in specialist palliative medicine, Dr Tiernan has moved to establish an innovative model of specialist, holistic, multi-disciplinary care for any patient with a chronic, or life-limiting, or life-restricting condition, not defined or restricted by age, diagnosis or prognosis. This new Supportive Medicine model operates within the inpatient hospital at Blackrock Clinic, and at the Supportive Medicine Clinic, Suite 16, Blackrock Clinic.
- Dr Tiernan established and has provided inpatient specialist palliative medicine services at Blackrock Clinic since 2002.
- He further established a Supportive Medicine Service at Blackrock Clinic (2023) and opened a Supportive Medicine Clinic (2024).
- MB BCh BAO, UCD 1989;
- Diploma Child Health (DCH), RCPI/RCSI 1992;
- MRCGP, RCGP 1993;
- MICGP, ICGP 1993;
- Diploma in Management for Medical Doctors, RCSI/IPA 1998;
- MD, UCD 2001;
- FRCPI, RCPI 2005.
Multiple original research publications in international peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and reviews.
Associate Clinical Professor, UCD School of Medicine.
Research includes models of supportive and palliative medicine in acute hospitals, early referral to supportive and palliative medicine, clinical assessment tools in supportive and palliative medicine, depression and psychological distress in patients with a chronic or life-limiting illness.
Current Membership:
- Irish Palliative Medicine Consultants Association;
- Irish Association for Palliative Care;
- European Association for Palliative Care