Prof. Kevin Clarkson
Intensive Care Medicine

Galway Clinic, Suite 27 |
Tues, Wed & Fri AM & PM
Dr. Kevin Clarkson graduated in 1985 from UCD and undertook specialty training in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care during 1987-1994. During this period he spent two and half years at the Johns Hopkins Hospital as a fellow in Critical Care Medicine. He joined the faculty of the Department of Anaesthesiology and critical care at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN as an associate professor. He was programme director for the critical care training and lead the neurosurgical intensive care unit as medical director. Dr Clarkson returned to Galway university hospital in 2000 and helped develop the Intensive Care Unit which now has a fully-fledged programme for advanced specialty training of fellows in intensive care medicine, specialty anaesthesiology trainees and undergraduates. He has been a College of Anaesthesiology of Ireland examiner since 2001 and a College Council member since 2012 serving as chair of several committees and served as Vice President in 2021/22. He was recognised by NUIG as an Honorary Professor of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine in 2019. Dr Clarkson has held leadership positions within the University Hospital Galway and was Saolta Group Perioperative Director 2016 - 2022. In October 2022 he moved to the Galway Clinic to become Clinical Director and continues to practice anaesthesia and Intensive Care.
MB, BCH BAO 1985, Easern Regional Anaesthesia Training Scheme in Anaesthesia 1986 -90, Fellowship Intensive Care Medicine Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD USA 1990 - 92, Senior Registrar Anaesthesia 1992 - 94. MB 1985, FCAI 1989, Dip. ABA/CCM 1995, FJFICMI 2017
Outcomes ARDS and mechanical Ventilation
2 year Clinical & Research felllowship in Intensive Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore 1990-92.